Choosing the Right Flooring
Choosing flooring for your home remodeling project can be very daunting and is one of the biggest challenges faced by home renovators. Here are some factors that can help you narrow down your choices and get the right floor for your home:
- Traffic: Different floors can handle different levels of traffic, so be sure to think about how often each particular room will be used. Flooring such as hardwood, tiles and linoleum are very hardwearing, whilst carpets tend to wear much more quickly in high use areas.
- Spills and water: Kitchens, bathrooms and entertainment areas are very likely to come into contact with moisture and messes, so an easy to clean option such as tiles, linoleum or polished concrete will work best and stay looking good for longer. Hardwood floors are also a good option for kitchens, although they should be treated with a protective finish to prevent moisture absorption.
- Warmth: If you want a cozy, luxurious feel, then thick carpets are ideal, whilst tiles (unless they have in-floor heating) can leave some rooms very chilly in winter. If you’re looking for an option that is more hardwearing than carpet but has more warmth than tiles, hardwood is ideal.
- Atmosphere: The aesthetics of your home as a whole plays a very important role in the success of your renovation. Picking a floor that meets your practical needs may not necessarily give you the feel you’re looking for in your home. If you’re going for a modern look, large, high-polished tiles will give you those important clean lines whilst hardwood can give your home a softer, classic country feel.
- Color: Flooring comes in every color and tone imaginable and picking the right one is the difference between a stylish home that suits you and one which clashes with everything you were going for. Light colors will make your rooms appear bigger and warmer, whilst dark colors can make small, dark rooms even darker. Remember to balance your choice of flooring with the aesthetic you’re going for, the furniture you’re keeping, your wall colors and the amount of natural light in your home.